About us

Our Purpose

Responding to the needs of the community, working beyond the crisis, and Improving life-long outcomes for our community by supporting whānau in times of need and facilitating access to essential resources in a timely manner.

We are dedicated to improving access to essential resources, programmes, and support systems for the community.

Our purpose is to ifentify and address the systematic gaps and meet the current needs within education and social support networks. Through our multifaceted approach, we strive to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes for the entire community, fostering an environment where we can collectively nurture our thriving tamariki and rangatahi.

We understand the importance of providing comprehensive support to tamariki and rangatahi and recognise that they require a holistic approach to thrive. He Ao Hou aims to bridge the gaps in resources and programmes, ensuring that children and young people have the necessary tools and opportunities for growth and development. By addressing these needs, we are committed to empowering them to reach their full potential.

Our focus extends beyond individual empowerment. We believe that a strong and supportive hapori-community plays a crucial role in nurturing the wellbeing of our youth. Through collaboration and engagement, we work towards building a network of support systems that address the diverse needs of our hapori members. By fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility, we can create an environment where everyone can contribute to the growth and wellbeing of our tamariki and rangatahi.

Together, we can nurture the potential of our young people and foster a future filled with health, wellbeing, and success.