Our Hapori

North Dunedin, spanning from Kapukataumahaka-Mt Cargill to Koputai-Port Chalmers, is a vibrant community characterised by our demographic diversity and whenua ataahua. What sets us apart is not only our natural surroundings but also the presence of renowned tertiary institutions that call North Dunedin home.

The influence of Otago University and Polytech on our community is deeply ingrained and has a long-standing history. These leading educational institutions have made a significant impact on North Dunedin, shaping its identity and fostering a culture of learning and intellectual pursuit.

North Dunedin is also the location of Dunedin's only Normal Primary Schools, which have a rich tradition closely tied to the Otago College of Education. This connection highlights our commitment to supporting and nurturing the next generation of teachers, ensuring a strong foundation for educational excellence in our community.

Port Chalmers town, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

As a community, we are fortunate to be home to a diverse range of primary schools, as well as an intermediate and co-educational secondary school. This comprehensive educational network ensures that our tamariki and rangatahi have access to quality education and a seamless transition through their educational journey from early childhood right through to post-graduate study, without needing to leave their hapori. This is a unique and privileged position to be in.

North Dunedin embraces its role as a hub of education, innovation, and growth. The presence of such a high number of educational institutions and the collective effort of our schools contribute to the intellectual and cultural vibrancy of the area. We cherish our heritage and the opportunities it provides our hapori.

Young child stacking colourful toy blocks