About us

Our Brand

He Ao Hou Logo, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

At He Ao Hou, we collaborated with Walsh & Beck Creative Agency to create our distinctive logo.

Our aim was to encapsulate our vision and goals while incorporating meaningful colours and symbols. The logo represents the diverse elements of our hapori-community, from Koputai Port Chalmers to Pine Hill and Kapukataumahaka and everything in between, symbolised by the merging of our big blue sky, ocean, and the lush green of the trees. The heritage gold of Otago holds the seedling, which serves as a powerful illustration of growth, new beginnings, transformation and kaitiakitanga.

The hand both cradling and offering the seedling embodies our organisation's core values. It represents our deep-seated desire to nurture, protect, support, and empower our community. We are committed to providing a strong foundation for growth and development, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to thrive and flourish.

The thoughtful collaboration with Walsh & Beck Creative Agency resulted in a logo that visually communicates our mission. It captures the essence of our commitment to fostering positive change and creating a nurturing environment for our hapori.

By incorporating our vision and goals into our logo and colours, we aim to create a strong brand identity that resonates with our stakeholders. It serves as a symbol of our dedication to manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga, whanaungatanga, growth, transformation, and empowerment. Through our logo, we strive to inspire individuals to join us on this journey toward a better future.