Our People

John McKenzie

John is an experienced and dedicated education professional with a rich background spanning various levels of academia, from primary to tertiary education. Born and raised in Southland, John embarked on his teaching journey in Auckland, where he received his training and subsequently taught in a Māori community for 13 years. Throughout his tenure as the principal of North East Valley Normal School, John shared his passion for community development. It was during this time that he recognised the significance of a comprehensive approach in addressing educational challenges and societal issues.

With a profound commitment to enhancing outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi, John actively engages in advocacy efforts. His involvement extends to diverse spheres, including initial teacher education at different levels, be it within schools, educational institutions, government agencies, or related organisations. John's vast experience in education, combined with his understanding of the importance of holistic approaches, positions him as a valuable asset to education and community development initiatives. His unwavering dedication and comprehensive perspective make him a reliable advocate for positive change in education and society as a whole.

Some of the recent roles John has held include:

  • Immediate past president of the Normal and Model Schools Association of Aotearoa

  • Member, NZEI Principals’ Council

  • Executive member, Otago Primary Principals’ Association 2010 - 2022

  • John was endorsed by the NZ School Trustees Association as a principal appraiser and consultant to Board of Trustees.

  • Founding member, North East Valley Community Development Project

  • Member, Social Wellbeing Advisory Group, Dunedin City Council 

  • Member, Otago University College of Education External Advisory Committee, 2007 - 2022 

  • Principal Partner, Education Review Office

  • Member, Rotary South Dunedin